Our Health Education team is dedicated to promoting individual, family, organizational and community health. Our health educators assist Camden County residents in figuring out what moves them toward optimal stages of wellness. We strive to aid individuals and families in overcoming the debilitating effects of economic deprivation, the lack of balance, disease, and accidents of life.
Camden County Health Connection
The Camden County Health Connection is a mobile unit, which will enable our Health and Human Services Department to extend the reach and availability of our health screening and disease risk assessment services provided at our health centers. The van will house an experienced staff of registered nurses, health educators, and nutritionists to provide a wide range of health-education and lifestyle-management programs that empower children and adults to take steps toward better health by exercising more and making healthy food choices. The mobile unit will enable the department to increase access to health promotion, disease prevention and early detection programs for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and stroke in Camden City and southern Camden County.
(Camden County Health Connection Request Form)
These services will include the following:
- Health screenings and risk assessment programs
- Seasonal Flu and H1N1 Virus Presentations and Updates
- Health Education*, Nutrition, Obesity Prevention and Physical Activity, Tobacco Control Workshops
- Health Promotion: BMI (body mass index) calculator, charts with foods choices, options for exercise, and links to local parks, walking and biking paths and health and fitness websites
- Chronic Disease Management Training program
- Referrals for community health care services
- Support and counseling for healthy lifestyles
- Follow-up health care services

Peer led support groups, tobacco treatment and counseling, health seminars and skills-building workshops will also be conducted.
These services will not replace regular visits to a primary care physician, but rather emphasize the importance of annual check-ups and help arrange care for people who need them. The overall goal of the Camden County Health Connection is to link this region to needed health services such as health insurance, health care, social services and community health resources. The Camden County Health Connection will serve as a health education resource center composed of brochures and other health education informational and to assist residents of all ages in the importance of preventive care. The department will work closely with its local public health system partners to ensure this effort is effective and residents are connected to the programs available within our county.
Health Promotion Services
The following programs can be provided at your community site:
*Health Education Workshop Modules Include:
- Standing Tall Against Falls
- Keeping Up the Beat: Heart Health
- Bone Up Your Health: Osteoporosis
- Keeping Your Mind Sharp
- Be Wise About Your Medications
- Serving Up Good Nutrition
- Move to Get F.I.T.
- Chronic Disease Self-Management
- Move Today
- A Matter of Balance
- New Jersey Poison Information and Education Program
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
This FREE 2 ½ hour workshop is held once a week for six weeks and offers the support you need to:
- Help deal with pain and fatigue
- Discover better exercise and nutrition choices
- Understand new treatment choices
- Learn better ways to talk with your doctor and family about your health
The Chronic Disease Self-Management Workshop was developed by Stanford Patient Education Research Center and NJ Department of Health and Senior Services.
For more information, please call: 856-374-6035
Poison Information and Education Program
This is a one day one-hour program designed for children, adults, and seniors to increase awareness about the New Jersey Poison Control Center services. This program will also help participants identify poisonous substances found in the home as well as help reduce the number of unintentional poisons that occur in the home.
For more information, please contact: 856-374-6035
A Matter of Balance is a program that emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls.
Participants learn to:
- View falls and fear of falling as controllable
- Set realistic goals for increasing activity
- Change their environment to reduce fall risk factors
- Promote exercise to increase strength and balance
Classes are 2 hours long and held twice a week for 4 weeks or once a week for eight weeks.
For more information, please call: (856) 374-6035.
A New Jersey recognized evidenced-based exercise program for older adults to improve balance, posture, muscle strength and flexibility. Classes can be offered once a week for 12 weeks or twice a week for 6 weeks for one hour.
For more information contact: (856) 374-6035