The Camden County Sheriff’s Office Transportation Bureau serves all thirty-seven (37) municipalities within Camden County. The Bureau transports prisoners to and from municipal courts, in addition to State Superior Courts of all vicinages in the State of New Jersey. Operating from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM, seven days a week and every day of the year, the Transportation Bureau picks up arrested persons from all law enforcement agencies in Camden County (as well as some out of county agencies on our Superior Court Warrants) and delivers them to the county jail. The Transportation Bureau also transports juveniles from the Camden County Youth Center (Lakeland) to the Hall of Justice, as well as to Jamesburg and other various state programs, Monday through Friday. The bureau also completes all extraditions within a 300 mile distance and sets up all other extraditions outside the 300 mile distance with Prisoner Transport Service (PTS).
This service enables municipal police officers to remain within their own jurisdictions on proactive patrol, thus increasing their effectiveness and productivity. Research indicates that each municipal remand transported would take a patrol officer out of his community and off his “beat” for an average of two hours. In towns with smaller police departments, this could result in less protection for the citizenry and a burden for neighboring police departments. Additionally, by transporting prisoners for municipal court the Transportation Bureau enables municipal police officers to remain on the street, which is essential during this time of emphasis on homeland security. The Camden County Sheriff’s Office Transportation Bureau facilitates homeland security by enabling more police officers to remain on patrol and patrol themselves when not in service.
The Transportation Bureau’s Headquarters are located in Cherry Hill, in Building #6 of the Executive Campuses.
The Camden County Sheriff’s Office Transportation Bureau remains a model of service to the law enforcement agencies of Camden County.
Transportation Commander
Lieutenant Jake Sidwa
Transportation Main Number: 856-549-0675