Probation / Child Support Units



The primary role of the Sheriff’s officers assigned to this unit is to assist State Probation officers in the monitoring of the probationer to assure that the standard and any special conditions of probation, drug court, juvenile probation and the State’s Intensive Supervision Program are enforced.  Sheriff’s officers provide a secure environment by scanning all who enter for concealed weapons and supervise the reporting of all offenders placed on probation by the Superior, Family and Municipal courts.  Sheriff’s Officers are also responsible for the apprehension and processing of those individuals that have outstanding warrants or who have violated their probation.

Probation Unit
Lieutenant Joseph Welsh

Adult/Juvenile Probation Reporting Municipal Division is located at:

6 Executive Campus – Suite 300,
PO Box 8107
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Phone: (856) 650-9100

Child Support

Camden County Sheriff’s Officers assigned to this unit perform a wide variety of duties in support of the Child Support staff.  Sheriff’s Officers are responsible for the screening and security of all personnel while providing information and assistance to the public. These Officers are also responsible for the apprehension and processing of individuals who have outstanding child support arrest warrants.

Camden County Child Support Probation Division is located at:

5 Executive Campus
Suite 200, PO Box 8107
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
1-877-NJKIDS1 (1-877-655-4371)
Office Hours: Monday-Friday  8:30am–4:30pm