The Camden County Resource Center is one of nine partners comprising Camden County’s One Stop Career Center System. Our customers are both employers seeking qualified workers and individuals seeking appropriate employment. By providing easy access to a complete array of labor market and work preparation services, including training opportunities for specific jobs, as well as related supportive services available regardless of funding sources to both job seekers and employers, the Resource Center is able to achieve its goal of supporting business growth by connecting employers to a well-prepared labor force. Intensive job seeker services such as vocational counseling, pre-employment work maturity skills training, job search, workplace literacy, and supported work integrate well with employers expectations for workplace skills. The services are delivered in a seamless and timely fashion to facilitate a fast track system to employment.
Specific services offered by the Resource Center include:
- Job readiness and life skills classes: including self, individual and group assessment
- Job search classes: including resume preparation and interviewing skills
- Workplace literacy: including basic skills, computer literacy, financial literacy
- Comprehensive workplace assessment: including literacy testing, employment barrier identification, aptitude and interest testing, and vocational counseling
- Referral to training services: including Camden County College, technical training, English as a Second Language (ESL), adult basic education, and on-the-job training
- Referrals for job placement: in combination with our partnering agencies, the Resource Center can make appropriate referrals for job placement
- Referral for youth services: including youth offender services, GED/HS diploma, and support services
- Assessment, employment counseling and assistance with job placement for offender populations: current established programs include coordination with parole, probation, drug court, and the correctional facility
- Early employment initiative: a program specifically focused on providing assistance to welfare (TANF) applicants in seeking employment
- Information to employers and assistance in completing applications for on-the-job training and a variety of tax credits
- FREE public access to computers, fax machines, telephones, copiers, Internet for job search purposes
Occupational Training
Occupational training is attending school to learn a specific job skill. Customers of the One Stop, if deemed eligible, can select from a variety of approved schools and compare their outcomes from our approved training provider list and consumer report card system. All approved occupational training programs come from a wide variety of job demand fields. For more information on our occupational skills training programs please contact us at 856-549-0600.
Training Services
Improve Skills and Abilities through Training for Demand Occupations
Career Services and Labor Market Information
Individual Employment Plan, Job Search, Resume, Interviewing, Networking, and LMI Assistance
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Assistance for Clients with Physical or Cognitive Barriers to Employment
Veterans Services
Job Search Assistance and Supportive Services Referrals for Veterans with Significant Barriers to Employment
Business Services
Provides Assistance to Employers for All Their Hiring Needs
Jersey Job Club
Virtual Workshops to Improve Your Job Search Skills
Learning Link
Improve Basic Skills and Literacy Levels
Youth One-Stop
Empower Out-of-School Youth (Ages 16-24) through Assessment, Training and Supportive Services
Workforce 55+
“Earn While You Learn” Program For Mature Workers
The Camden County One-Stop Center is an equal opportunity employer/program and auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.