(Camden, NJ) – The Camden County Parks Department will hold a public meeting on Dec. 17, at 6 p.m. to discuss a request that Camden County has filed with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Green Acres Program, proposing to dispose of 2.52 acres of land comprising the currently utilized shoreline of Kirkwood Lake (Block 196, Lot 26 in Voorhees).
The meeting will be livestreamed at CamdenCounty.com/live. Questions/comments can be submitted in advance of the meeting by visiting here.
“We are inviting any member of the public who has a question or comment regarding this project to join us virtually on Dec. 17,” said Freeholder Jeff Nash, liaison to the Parks Department. “Our team will be prepared to answer questions and provide additional information to the public. Please use the link provided to submit your questions and comments in advance of the meeting.”
All interested parties are invited to attend and participate in the scoping hearing. Public comment will be monitored and accepted during the online, live scoping hearing through the form provided above. Written comments on the disposal request may also be directed to the Camden County Parks Department contact and office below, with a copy sent to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, as follows:
Maggie McCann Johns, Director
Camden County Parks Department
1301 Park Blvd
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Telephone: (856) 216-2134
Web Comment Form: http://bit.ly/CC_GreenAcres
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Green Acres Program
Bureau of Legal Services and Stewardship
Mail Code 501-01
501 East State Street, 1st Floor
P.O. Box 420
Trenton, NJ 08625-0420
Public comment on this disposal request will be accepted during the scoping hearing or until December 31, 2020.