“With Holy Week upon us, and as we draw near to several springtime religious holidays for varying faiths, the Freeholder Board wants to remind Camden County residents to celebrate responsibly amidst the coronavirus pandemic. This year will be about an inward reflection for congregants and parishioners and not a public profession of faith for anyone who is observing the holidays. In-person gatherings in New Jersey, including parties and celebrations, are prohibited under the governor’s executive orders, and these assemblies come during what is expected to be the peak of viral activity in the United States.
While it is not easy for anyone to change the way they worship, social distancing is critical to save lives and stop the spread of this virus. The good news is that unlike during other pandemics in history, modern technology offers us the opportunity to congregate through platforms like Zoom, Skype, Facebook Live, or Periscope, without leaving our homes. Many of these services are easy to use and free, and some allow users to take advantage of the service without even creating an account.
We know that this is a difficult adjustment for many of our residents to make, however this temporary setback will be instrumental in protecting one another and ensuring that this virus is eradicated from our community as quickly as possible. We are grateful to every Camden County resident who is doing their part to slow the spread and flatten the curve.”
EN ESPAÑOL: “Con la Semana Santa sobre nosotros, y a varias fiestas religiosas de primavera para diferentes religiones, Los Board of Freeholders quisiera recordarles a todos los residentes del condado de Camden que celebren responsablemente en medio de la pandemia del coronavirus. Este año será una de reflexión interna para los congregantes y feligreses. Las reuniones en persona en Nueva Jersey, incluyendo las fiestas y celebraciones, están prohibidas en bajo las órdenes ejecutivas del gobernador de New Jersey a cabo durante lo que se espera que sea el pico de la actividad viral en los Estados Unidos.
Entendemos que durante de este tiempo no es fácil para nadie cambiar la forma en que practican su fe, el distanciamiento social es fundamental para salvar vidas y detener la propagación de este virus. La buena noticia es que, a diferencia de otras pandemias en la historia, la tecnología moderna nos ofrece la oportunidad de congregarnos a través de plataformas como Zoom, Skype, Facebook Live o Periscope, sin salir de nuestros hogares. Muchos de estos servicios son fáciles de usar y gratuitos.
Sabemos que este es un ajuste difícil para muchos, sin embargo, es temporal y será fundamental para protegerse mutuamente y garantizar que este virus sea erradicado lo más rápido posible. Estamos agradecidos con todos los residentes del Condado de Camden que están haciendo su parte para frenar la propagación y ‘aplanar la curva.’”