Commissioners to Hold Vigil on Overdose Awareness Day

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(Blackwood, NJ) – On Thursday, Aug. 31, the Board of Commissioners will gather with the Camden County Addiction Awareness Task Force, activists, healthcare providers and residents to honor of International Overdose Awareness Day at the county’s Remembrance and Hope Memorial at Timber Creek Park. The ceremony and vigil will begin at 7:30 p.m.

International Overdose Awareness Day is an annual campaign aimed at ending overdose, remembering those who have died without stigma or judgement and acknowledging the pain of the loved ones left behind.

“Addiction is a disease that knows no bounds and it can impact anyone no matter your age, race, gender or income,” said Commissioner Director Louis Cappelli Jr. “Each year, on this date, we gather to honor those who were lost to this evil affliction and to show solidarity and support the family and friends of those who have had a loved one stolen by addiction.”

The Camden County Commissioners have been at the forefront of fighting the national opioid epidemic for more than a decade by developing treatment, education and public policy initiatives to address opioid use disorder. In addition, they have filed a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical companies involved in the making, distribution and selling of opioids.

Anyone suffering from substance abuse living in Camden County can contact the Camden County Office of Mental Health and Addiction at (856) 374-6320 or email