On Wednesday, the Board of Commissioners joined Camden Mayor Victor Carstarphen, city council members, city youth and others to launch the annual Camden Summer Youth Internship Program. The program is designed to provide an educational experience and a financial incentive for the city’s youth through a structured work environment that motivates young people to finish high school and pursue higher education.
“This has always been a vital program to the city of Camden as it gives these kids something to do while they are out of school for the summer,” Commissioner Al Dyer said. “It keeps them occupied, off the streets and doing something productive and beneficial to their futures.”
The program pays $14.13 per hour, up to 20 hours per week, all applicants must permanently reside in the city of Camden and eligible participants must be between the ages of 14 and 17.
For those interested in applying, applications are available on Camden’s website at: https://www.ci.camden.nj.us/summer-youth-internship-program/ Applications can also be obtained from the Camden Department of Human Services at the North Camden Community Center which is located at 1000 N. 6th Street Camden, NJ 08102, or by calling (856) 757-7285. Applications will be accepted Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m. or by emailing HumanServices@ci.camden.nj.us. The deadline for the submission of applications is Friday, May 10, 2024.