(Cherry Hill, NJ) – The Camden County Freeholder Board is hosting the 12th Annual Camden County Sports Hall of Fame Dinner and induction ceremony on Oct. 26.
“This event is a celebration of competition, endurance and sportsmanship, and the men and women, who led their teams to the pinnacle of success,” said Freeholder Louis Cappelli, Jr. “Every year it is an honor for the Freeholder Board to shine the spotlight on some of the best athletes our County has to offer.”
This year, 13 local sports legends will be inducted into the Camden County Sports Hall of Fame for their contributions to athletics: Dan Baker, John Barr, James Bathurst, Bill Bramble, Megan Collins-Heiar, Tom Curley, Duane Fisher, Jennifer Flinn, Bill Laxton, Megan Light-Mason, Mike Rocobaldo, Gail Shelly and Larry Wigley.
In addition, the 2017 Bob Kenney Memorial Award will be presented to Terry Schall-Durkin, President of the South Jersey Girls Basketball Club.
“Their focus on teamwork and leadership qualifies these latest inductees as permanent fixtures in the history of Camden County,” Capelli said. “These athletes are legendary in their accomplishments and some have gone on to play their respective games at the highest level of competition.”
The event will take place at The Crowne Plaza, 2349 West Marlton Pike in Cherry Hill at 5:00 p.m. The awards presentation begins at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are available now for the Camden County Sports Hall of Fame induction dinner at (856) 401-2451 or halloffame@camdencounty.com.