(Cherry Hill, NJ) – Tonight’s Sunset Jazz Concert at Wiggins Park in Camden City featuring Stephen Marley has been rescheduled due to an unfavorable weather forecast and in the interest of public safety. The concert will now take place tomorrow, July 23, at 8 p.m.
“Tonight’s forecast calls for more storms and rain in addition to the continuing extreme heat and humid conditions,” said Freeholder Deputy Director Ed McDonnell, liaison to the Camden County Department of Special Events. “Our first priority is always the safety of our guests and residents. Although we are disappointed that tonight’s show must be cancelled, we’re excited to have been able to coordinate with the performer and reschedule the performance for tomorrow evening.”
Fans and concert-goers can stay tuned to camdencounty.com for information regarding the rescheduling of this concert, and for information about the many other exciting events taking place in the county this summer.