Boards, Committees and Commissions

Special Requirements
Addiction Awareness Task Force
To increase awareness among the residents of prescription opiate and heroin abuse and addiction, aimed at reducing the demand for heroin and prescription drugs, creating programs to help educate residents about programs and resources available to prevent and treat addiction, and supporting the development of additional resources to treat and prevent addiction to and abuse of heroin and prescription drugs. Advisory in nature, providing its recommendations and findings to the Board of Commissioners.
“Representatives from various sectors of the community, including but not limited to county, state o local governmental agencies, business, media, education, law enforcement, clergy/religious, civic/youth/volunteer groups, healthcare, parents, youths under the age of eighteen, and additional individuals and organization identified as having input into the development of awareness, programs and resources. Commissioner Director and Commissioner who serves as the liaison to the Dept. of Health, or their designee, shall serve as co-chairs.”
Agriculture Development Board, Camden County
To develop and adopt agricultural retention and develop programs which encourage an agricultural business climate and the preservation of agricultural land in the country.
Planning Board; Local Soil Conservation Distribution and County Agent of New Jersey Co-Operatives extension Services for Camden County; 7 voting members who are residents 4 actively engaged in farming the majority of who shall own a portion of the land they farm; 3 of who shall represent the general public.
Animal Shelter Advisory Committee, Camden County
Committee originally was to prepare a report containing information on the present procedures and services of animal shelters, due on or before May 31, 1987. The committee draws up and approves written proposals for policies and procedures for animal control operations. The committee also approves the selection of operational manager for the animal control program and for any animal related program.
Original terms of Board 1/3 for 1 yr.; 1/3 for 3 yrs; Comm. To elect chairperson and set up by laws; Board to consist of; 1 Commissioner; 2 representatives of established Animal Protection Societies; 1 Vet.; 2 persons having recognized expertise with animals; 4 co. resident with spec. int. in Animals.
Board of Education Technical Schools, Camden County
Oversees the operation of the technical schools, with two facilities in Camden County. The school provides occupational training for grades 9 through 12 including special needs students, and also post-secondary students.
Bi-partisan – No more than 2 members from a political party (Democrats, Republicans, Independents)
Board of School Estimate, Camden County Technical School
The Board takes care of all financial aspects of school contracts. They also approve all bills and demands for money which concern the schools.
Board Appointment Three Commissioners including Director and Committee Chairman
Board of School of Estimates, Camden County College
Board of School of Estimates, Camden County College
“Board Appointment: Chairman (Director) of the Board of Commissioners, two members of the Board of Commissioners appointed by that board and two members of the board of trustees appointed by that board.”
Board of Social Services
Oversee the social service department in Camden County (county welfare board): (1) insure uniform, effective and efficient administration of income maintenance programs and other programs mandated by law; (2) provide social services that enhance quality of life for eligible members of community. Bylaws in effect.
Oversee the social service department in Camden County (county welfare board): (1) insure uniform, effective and efficient administration of income maintenance programs and other programs mandated by law; (2) provide social services that enhance quality of life for eligible members of community. Bylaws in effect.
College Board of Trustees, Camden County
Controls and manages the Camden County College.
“Member criteria: County Supt of Schools; 8 Members appointed by County Authority; and 2 members appointed by State Board of Higher Education with approval of Governor. No Public Officials May Serve on this Board; College President is Ex-Officio Member with no vote. Members may not be compensated but may have their expenses reimbursed.”
Construction Board of Appeals
Hear and decide appeals from decisions by the municipal construction official and subcode officials.
The Board is comprised of three categories of members: regular, alternate, and special. Vacancies are filled for the unexpired term. Qualifications for each category are as follows: Five Regular Members – Plumbing subcode official; Electrical subcode official; Registered architect, licensed professional engineer, or building subcode official; Fire protection subcode official; Certified fire official. These qualifications need not be satisfied by 5 separate individuals. One person can satisfy more than one requirement as long as all of the requirements are satisfied. At Least Five Alternate Members – Alternate members shall be chosen so that there will be at least one alternate member in each qualification category set forth above. Two Special Members – Serve only in municipal fee appeals – Licensed professional engineer with municipal site improvement construction experience; Builder
County Board of Elections
Responsibility for elections held in County.
Appointed by Governor; 2 from each party required.
County Board of Taxation
Oversee tax matters in County and municipalities, including tax appeals.
Appointed by Governor; must be bi-partisan; Resident of County; Administrator (previously Secretary) appointed by Board of Taxation; Salary fixed by Board of Commissioners.
Cultural Awareness Commission
To establish a Cultural Awareness Commission in order to facilitate awareness of the cultural diversity of the various ethical, racial and religious groups within the County of Camden. The focus of the Commission is to foster a community spirit which promotes human dignity, harmony and understanding among various ethnic groups which make up the citizenry of Camden County.
Initially seven (7) members shall have one-year terms and six (6) members shall have two-year terms. All reappointments shall be for two-year terms and no member shall serve more than three (3) consecutive terms. The Commission shall be comprised of a culturally and geographically diverse group of residents of the County of Camden whose membership shall be reflective of the ethnic, racial and cultural diversity of the community.
Cultural and Heritage Commission, Camden County
Responsible for the development of county programs to promote public interest in local history, the arts, and in cultural values, goals, and traditions of the community, the state, and the nation.

Disbanded Res. # 82 dated 7/19/18

Two members terms expires each year for 4 years; one member in 5th year. (Original terms staggered; thereafter term is 5 years). Designed official historical commission by Resolution dated March 23, 1989.
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Board Appointment This is a State Commission; appointments included a representative from each of 4 NJ Counties included in the area; said representatives shall be appointed by the governing body of this County and serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority.
Environmental Commission of Camden County
Advise the Board of Commissioners, Department of Environmental Affairs, and the County Planning Board on a broad range of issues, which will improve the quality of life for the residents of Camden County. Conduct a study of the County’s environmental status and report to the County on the status of such environmental conditions within a six-month period. The report should be a comprehensive analysis of outlining and evaluating long-term environmental and recreational needs of Camden County suggesting strategies for all environmental concerns.
Expanded by 4 alternates – Resol #21, 5/16/91 with membership remaining at 30 regular members.
Ethics Board, Camden County
Counties are encouraged to create local Ethics Boards, and, within 90 days of creation, to promulgate a county code to ethics requiring a high standards of ethical conduct of all county officers and employees as provided in section 15 of the statute. Camden County Code of Ethics
After initial appointments having staggered terms, appointment is for 5 years. All appointments and reappointments to the Board shall be made so as to ensure that at no time shall there be more than three (3) members of the Board from the same political party. In the event of any vacancy or resignation, the Commissioners shall make an appointment for replacement of the vacancy within forty-five (45) days after written notice from the
Highway Traffic Safety Task Force
Created in conjunction with establishment of the Camden County Comprehensive Traffic Safety Project. Creation of board required as a condition of receiving funds which were available at the time from the New Jersey Department of Transportation. Board is directed to advise the Traffic Safety Project on policies and goals which shall further traffic safety.
Creating resolution amended 11/23/94 increasing membership from 24 to 30 members; increasing term to 3 years; initial appointments on 11/23/94 staggered; 10/1 yr; 10/2 yrs; 10/3yrs.
Homelessness Trust Fund Advisory Board
1 Representative from the County At-Large 1 Representative from each of the 3 municipalities with the largest population of homeless people At least 3 members of homeless or formerly homeless persons 3 members from local private or non-profit organizations with experience assisting the homeless population or providing low-income housing
Improvement Authority, Camden County
Shall have and exercise all of the rights and powers and perform all of the duties provided by law. May undertake the powers of such authorities and of other public bodies with respect to and providing for the issuance of bonds and other obligations for the acquisition of county lands for certain public purposes.
Initial terms staggered 1 to 5 years thereafter term is 5 years commencing February 1st as set statue.
Library Commission, Camden County
Adopt rules and regulations for the establishment and maintenance of the county library. May hire librarians and library assistants, purchase supplies and equipment. Must make an annual report to the Board of Commissioners.
Number of committee members increased from 5 to 7 by Resolution #41, 12/6/83
Local Advisory Committee on Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Local Advisory Committee on Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Local Citizens Advisory Committee on Senior Citizen & Disabled Resident Transportation
To advise the County on planning, implementing and operating coordinated transportation services at the county level, under the Transportation Assistance Act of 1981. Name changed from “Local Citizens Advisory Committee on Elderly & Handicapped Transportation” to “Local Citizens Advisory Committee on Senior Citizen & Disabled Resident Transportation” Res. # 105, Date 4/22/99
Committee membership must consist of at least 51% consumers of the service; (Example; Senior Citizens; Disabled Residents)
Mental Health Board, Camden County
Develop a plan of community mental health service for the county; annually appoint a professional mental health advisory committee who make recommendations to the board. Review, advise, and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners with regard to award of County funds for mental health services and for community mental health service projects submitted for State financial participation. By-laws in effect.
Representatives of local boards of health, school boards, Board of Social Services, parent-teacher associations, County mental health associations, County medical associations, and such other members as Board of Commissioners deems necessary. Commissioner Committee chairman shall be ex-officio members; members shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms until two (2) years have lapsed since the expiration of such term. Term is three (3) years for regular members, and one (1) year for Commissioner Liaison.
Mosquito Extermination Commission, Camden County
To make bylaws and perform all acts which in its opinion may be necessary for the elimination of mosquito breeding areas or which will tend to exterminate mosquitoes within the county.
State Health Commissioner & State Station to be Ex-Officio members; 1 appointed member shall be a member of the Board of Commissioners; at least 3 members must be or have been employees of the Board of Health.
Municipal Utilities Authority, Camden County
Operates and regulates all aspects of the County/regional sewerage facilities
Members increased by Resol. #14, 1982; (increased to 9 members under NJSA 40:14B-4A &B et seq.); A body politic & corporate of the State; Successor to CC Sewage Authority and Municipal Utilities Authority; NJSA 40:14-B-8 set forth that a copy of each appointing resolution must be filed with the Office of the secretary of New Jersey, State House, Trenton, NJ 08625.
New Jersey Pinelands Commission
Pinelands comprehensive management. Concerned with Pinelands forestry practices, waste management, landscaping, cultural housing, developmental rights, land application of sewage sludge, site utilization, among other factors that effect New Jersey Pinelands.
One Camden County Resident appointed by the Board of Commissioners to this Commission *A certified copy of appointing Resolution should be filed with the Pine Lands Commission P.O. Box 7, New Lisbon, New Jersey, 08064
Open Space Preservation Trust Fund, Advisory Committee, Camden County
“Res. #44, 5-17-2012, established 3 yr terms for members. Resolution # 8 Introduced on March 18, 1999 requires that the membership be comprised as follows: Six rep. of local env. groups and historical preservation societies; Four rep. of local recreation offices or org.; Three rep. of C. C. Gov. consisting of the Dir. of the Dep. of Parks, Div. Env. Affairs and Div. of Planning; One rep. each from the C.C. Agric. Development Board and the C.C. Board of Realtors; Six at-large reps. consisting of interested citizens not affiliated with any of the above groups, of which at least one shall be a farm owner within the County of Camden; Five reps. who are Mayors of Municipalities within the County of Camden with equal representation of major political parties.”
Planning Board, Camden County
Prepares and adopts a master plan for the physical development of the County. Encourages the cooperation of the local municipalities within the county in any matters which concern the master plan of the County.
Statute (40:27-1) and Resolution #296-1971 Commissioner Director, Commissioner Committee Chairman and County Engineer are Statutory Members Plus 6 Citizen members who do not hold County office or employed positions. Not less than 5 nor more than nine members. There may also be 1 Commissioner alternate and 1 citizen alternate. Additionally, the Commissioner Director may appoint the Deputy County Engineer to serve as an alternate for the County Engineer.
Pollution Control Financing Authority of Camden County (PCFA)
Acquire, construct, reconstruct, repair, alter, improve, extend, lease, finance, sell, maintain, operate, and dispose of pollution control facilities within the County of Camden.
Previously Industrial Pollution Control Financing Authority; Name changed by Resol. #25, dated 10/10/85; Public Body Corporate & Politic Sub-Division of State. All terms expires on February 1st; original terms staggered; thereafter term is 5 years.
Shade Tree Commission of the County of Camden
With consent of BOF, may buy, sell or exchange such trees, plants, equipment, or supplies as they deem necessary and proper for the work of the commission and make payments therefor. On 4/24/03, the Commissioners approved the creation of a non-voting, advisory branch of the Shade Tree Commission and appointed 12 members.
5 residents of the County should have interest in the well being and care of shade trees in the County.
Solid Waste Advisory Council, Camden County
Advise the County government on technologies of resolving problems in connection with the disposal of solid waste.
NJSA 13:1E-20(2)b(1) sets forth that a member of Recycling in Camden County R.I.C.C. be designated as a member of the Solid Waste Advisory Council and as set forth in Resol. #19, dated 4/17/97; increased to 30 members by Commissioner Resolution dated 4/3/84, decreased to 9 members in a reorganization in July 2011.
South Jersey Film Office Cooperative
To highlight the unique assets the southern counties of New Jersey have to offer the film and television industry and to be a resource for all the needs of a production including hotels, local talent, catering, transportation, medical services, etc.
Southern Jersey counties partnered to bring awareness to their local assets as well as boosting local economy per the benefits provided by production in their communities.
Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee
To ensure a physical inspection of each polling place to confirm that said polling place is accessible for people with disabilities.
Membership: Four (4) must be County Election Board members, and three (3) or more public members composed of: One (1) County Executive or Designee, at least one (1) person with a disability, at least one (1) person trained in the provision of the Federal “Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990”, and any other peson deemed able to be of assistance. All members serve at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners.
Youth Services Commission, Camden County
Planning and recommendations for NJ Dept. of Human Services funding/grants. In charge of drafting Family Court Services Plans, updates, modifications, and submittal to CPAC for review.
Changes made resol. #5, 2/18/93 citizen members increased from 6 to 7 adding an additional student member making student member total 2; One from City and one from other part of County Regular membership stays at 24; decreased to 40 members by resol. #51, dated 10/24/96.
Workforce Development Board
Emphasis shall be on coordination of all workforce readiness programs in their local areas. Assess labor market and develop a local strategic plan to optimize federal, state, and local needs and opportunities and coordinating federal, state, and local resources to achieve defined goals. Design a consolidated workforce investment plan to replace the current separate plans developed for each applicable federal, state and locally funded programs. Establish marketing and development strategy to ensure the local community is aware of the purposes and functions of the WIB. Replaces Private Industry Council.
Original WIB Board shall have staggered terms 1/3 for 1 year; 1/3 for 2 years; thereafter all terms are 3 years. Number of members: Minimum membership 33