The statement below is by Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli Jr. and his colleagues on the Freeholder Board in regard to participants in regional school walkouts in support of the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
“I applaud the courage of the students and teachers who are standing in unity with their peers in Parkland, Florida, by participating in walkout demonstrations across Camden County. This generation is demanding that their voices be heard, and they are demanding that something be done to keep their schools, their friends, and their loved ones safe. These incredible young adults, in our communities and across the nation, are setting an example for generations to come, and for those that came before them, of what it means to participate in the democratic process and how to propel a call for change across the nation. I will gladly stand beside them and demand that our representatives in Congress and President Trump finally enact common sense gun reform and reduce the number of senseless gun deaths in this country. We need to ensure that the voices of our children are louder than the campaign donations of the NRA and the gun lobby.”