US Citizens, who are active duty military or are residing overseas, may vote in the election district in which the voter was last domiciled in New Jersey. Military and Overseas voters can apply to receive their ballots by using the Federal Post Card Application provided by the Federal Voting Assistance Program. Federal Post Card Application
- available at
- also used to register to vote
Submission of Military and Overseas Voter Applications:
New Jersey Statue allows Military and Overseas voters to apply for a ballot by mail, fax or email.
Applications can be sent to the following:
By Mail:
Pamela R. Lampitt, County Clerk
Office of the Camden County Clerk
Election Division
PO Box 218
Blackwood, NJ 08012
By Fax:(856) 374-6398
By Email:
For questions regarding submission of your Application, please call (856) 225-7219.
Return of Military and Overseas Voter Ballots:
Once you have applied, received and voted your ballot, Military and Overseas voters have the option to return their ballot by fax or email as well as by mail to the Camden County Board of Elections to be tallied.
Click Here for detailed instructions on how to return your ballot.
The Federal Voting Assistance Program:
The Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP)administers the federal responsibilities of the Presidential designee (Secretary of Defense), under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) of 1986. The Act covers more than six million potential voters..
The FVAP has three distinct goals:
- Inform and educate U.S. citizens worldwide of their right to vote
- Foster voting participation
- Protect the integrity of, and simultaneously enhance, the electoral process at the Federal, State and local levels
The FVAP provides U.S. citizens worldwide a broad range of non-partisan information and assistance to facilitate their participation in the democratic process – regardless of where they work or live. Click here to visit the FVAP Web site.