ALA-CALL/Addictions Hotline
The Ala-Call/Substance Abuse hotline is an INFORMATION and REFERRAL hotline for New Jersey residents with ALCOHOL and DRUG problems. A trained volunteer will provide you with information about meeting times and locations for Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-A non, Alateen, Narcotics Anonymous, Nar-Anon, ACOA, CODA and other self-help groups. Information is available concerning counseling, hospitalization, and treatment facilities which cover the entire state of New Jersey. There is also service for non-English-speaking callers.
Camden City Senior Services and Emergency Assistance
North Camden Community Center 1000 N. 6th Street Camden, NJ 08102
Senior Services and Emergency Assistance – The City of Camden
Services: Camden City Senior Services and Emergency Assistance serves and represents the needs of older residents of the City of Camden and assists those residents who have experienced a catastrophe or one of the many predicaments of poverty. The Bureau’s activities have included, but have not been limited to, providing scheduled senior citizen food and clothing, shopping trips, outreach to shut-in seniors, and providing seniors with leisure time activities. The Bureau also provides services to City of Camden residents who are homeless, potentially homeless, or have suffered a catastrophe.