PSE&G to Upgrade Aging Gas Pipes in Cherry Hill

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Public Service Electric & Gas Company (PSE&G) will be working in Cherry Hill to replace a little more than a three miles of old gas pipes with new piping – ensuring a continued safe, clean and reliable gas system well into the future.

Beginning in mid-September, work will take place Monday through Saturday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., weather permitting. The gas main replacement portion of the work is expected to take place through the end of the year. Paving will take place in the spring of 2018.

“These upgrades are part of PSE&G’s three-year program to replace 510 miles of aging gas infrastructure throughout New Jersey,” said Joe Forline, vice president of gas operations for PSE&G. “After decades of being in the ground, old cast iron pipes can crack and unprotected steel may corrode. The new durable, plastic pipes will improve reliability, reduce the possibility of leaks, and ensure the continued safety of gas service for customers.”

Customers can find more information, including a list of streets and video of how the work is performed at