(Camden, NJ) – On April 14, Governor Phil Murphy signed into law legislation extending protections of the Family Leave Act, allowing up to 12 weeks of unpaid family leave for employees forced to take time off to care for a family member without losing their jobs.
Under this legislation, employees are eligible for leave to care for a family member as a result of an epidemic of a communicable disease, to prevent the spread of an epidemic, or to provide care or treatment for their child when their school or place of care is closed in response to a public health emergency.
“This legislation helps to ensure workers that they will not have to choose between their loved ones and their jobs in crises such as the coronavirus outbreak,” said Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr. “In many cases, these workers have little to no choice as to whether they can work when a family member is ill. This legislation will hopefully ease the minds of thousands of Camden County residents who are worried their job will not be there when they return from caring for someone.”
For more information regarding this legislation, click here.