Camden County Offers Flu Shots in Magnolia, Blackwood, and Winslow Twp.

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(Gloucester Township, NJ) – The Freeholder Board has scheduled convenient site locations across Camden County for the 2017 Seasonal Influenza Immunization Program.

Magnolia – October 23

Magnolia Community Center
475 Brook Avenue
Magnolia, NJ  08049
2 to 4 p.m.

Blackwood  – October 24

Camden County College – Blackwood
Connector Atrium
Blackwood, NJ  08012
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

 Winslow Township – October 28

Bud Duble Senior Center
33 Cooper Folly Road
Winslow Township, NJ 08004
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“In order to keep your family healthy this flu season, we encourage you to take advantage of this beneficial service provided by Camden County,” said Freeholder Carmen Rodriguez, liaison to the Camden County Health Department.  “Flu shots are recommended to those in high priority groups including Senior Citizens, pregnant women and chronically ill individuals.”

Flu shots are also recommended for people with weakened immune or cardiovascular systems, or with chronic metabolic diseases, renal dysfunction or blood disorders. Youngsters aged nine and older must be accompanied by an adult.  Children under nine need two shots, a month apart, and should be seen by a pediatrician.  For uninsured children, call CamCare at (856) 541-9811 or the Bellmawr Health Center at (856) 931-2700.

For other information, contact the county Department of Health and Human Services at 1-800-999-9045, or visit