We are at a pivotal moment in our fight against coronavirus; the next several weeks will undoubtedly come to define our country for the foreseeable future. With the Saint Patrick’s Day holiday tomorrow, we are urging residents of all ages to celebrate from home, connect virtually with their friends and family, and stay out of bars and restaurants. Businesses that typically host large crowds for the holiday should immediately consider closing for the sake of their employees’ health and the health of all would-be patrons. The facts have never been clearer – the more face-to-face interaction we partake in, the faster and farther the virus will spread and the more lives we will lose as a result. If you are young and healthy you can still get sick, and you can still pass the virus to your elderly and immunocompromised friends and loved ones who face a much deadlier threat. Social distancing saves lives, it’s time to take that seriously.